
92 Bowery St., New York, NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

[Why] It Matters

The world of leadership is shifting from … hierarchies to networks … from being bossed to unbossed … from ego to eco … and from I to We … and companies are increasingly becoming learning organisations.

Traditional Command & Control leadership models are fast being replaced with Collaborate, Cultivate and Co-Create leadership environments.  Navigating this new emergent world requires new adaptive leadership skills to deliver sustained business performance for ever greater impact.

Against this backdrop, the purpose of The 18th Camel Ltd. is simple:

“To passionately develop future fit leaders who build winning teams and deliver growth through self-mastery.

Future fit leaders thrive in a VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Chaotic, Ambiguous) by adopting sustainable collaborative behaviours to deliver results.

Future fit leaders have self-mastery, build trust, embrace change, have the courage to strike a balance between getting things done AND developing people, and are deeply aware of their impact on people.  

Future fit leaders are masters of helping people to think for themselves so that they take greater ownership in delivering their solutions.

With the fast-changing nature of organisations, executive coaching becomes invaluable in supporting leaders to become masters of adaptive change; to navigate in a new business world towards healthy, sustainable collaborative growth, and shape the future of what great leadership looks like.


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