
92 Bowery St., New York, NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

CEO & Founder

[Who] Is Coach Steve?

Steve’s success as a former CEO, and now global Executive Leadership & Mentor Coach, is because early on in his career he embraced the power of coaching to enable his teams to ‘step up’ to their full potential and deliver constant business growth; and growth is fun!

Today, Steve coaches high performance leaders to go that extra mile, ‘visioneering’ their tomorrow to deliver winning experiences; for themselves, their teams, and their clients. Steve is committed to empowering leaders to transform futures.

Steve’s successful CEO as Coach track record is because early on he embraced the power of coaching to enable his teams to ‘step up’ to their full potential and deliver constant business growth; and growth is fun! 

Today, Steve coaches high performance leaders to go that extra mile, ‘visioneering your tomorrow’ to deliver winning experiences; for themselves, their teams, and their clients.

Is Steve the Coach for You?

“Success depends on the quality of relationships you build in your life.  Coaching is no different. Here’s some information about me and my leadership coaching philosophy to help you decide if you would benefit from and enjoy partnering with me.

I’ve had several coaches and met many over my successful career. All had great HR, people development skills and more, but none had C-Suite experience as I do … and this is the missing magic ingredient I offer that makes the winning difference!

This rare CEO + Coaching expertise provides me with the unique ability to empathise with your many challenges AND provide you with practical, proven-in-field coaching and mentoring expertise to take your leadership to where you want it to be, for greater impact, and to become future fit as a leader.

With thousands of coaching hours under my belt, I have coached clients from across the globe, and stepped into their worldviews to learn, challenge and be challenged.  This has become an asset to supporting leaders in navigating a new emergent world – a world that is moving from … hierarchies to networks … from being bossed to unbossed … from ego to eco … and from I to We.

Before dedicating myself to executive leadership and mentor coaching, and the world of Non-Executive Directorships, I had the privilege of being a CEO for many years. I worked hand-in-hand, coached and mentored many talented people, to organically build the most successful business intelligence consultancy across 21 countries in the Middle East & N. Africa; what many call “tough turf”.

I’ve walked many miles in CEO shoes. I’ve stepped up to make the tough calls, launched new products and services, opened new markets, hired great people, lead strategic boards, delivered cultural shift programs, managed huge stress and time pressures, learned to do more with less, balanced strategic and emotional needs, built winning teams, and embraced my failures to build my leadership wisdom.”

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