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[Henka] Institute

Steve is a Partner and Head of Faculty at the Henka Institute™ (henka is Japanese for transformation), which was created with a vision to support leaders in navigating a new emergent world by adopting a coaching leadership philosophy – a world that is moving from hierarchies to networks, from being bossed to unbossed, from ego to eco, and from I to We.
Based in Luxembourg and with a focus on Europe and primarily the Financial Sector, the Henka Institute™ offers consultancy services and a proven series of leadership training programs with its flagship offer being Leader as Coach – all underpinned by The Henka Model for Sustainable Performance. The Henka Model™ captures the four core elements of a Leader as Coach:

HeadQ – Open and Energising – This is all about being in a positive headspace/energy and suspending judgement, co-creating a path forward with others, supporting others in making trade-offs, and recognising cognitive biases and heuristics in self and others.

HeartQ – Empathy and Connection – This is all about creating a climate of trust and connection, through listening, asking vs. telling, and getting furiously curious for and with others. It’s about seeing things from multiple perspectives, fostering inclusion, and inviting others’ participation. People feel seen and heard.

HungerQ – Purpose, Passion, and Belief – This is all about healthy emotional self-regulation (i.e., passion), having a clear sense of purpose, believing in others, being acutely aware of one’s and others’ strengths, persistently keeping the big picture in mind, and mindfully managing your energy, not merely your time. 

HumanSpiritQ – Culture and Identity – This is all about having a deep respect for the human spirit, making values-driven decisions, having the courage and resilience to balance getting things done with developing people, and demonstrating compassion and wisdom.

HenkaQ – Leader as Coach – when leaders bring all the HenkaQs together they become Leaders as Coach.  This is about having a deep desire to be furiously curious by passionately having the courage to ask questions for which you do not have the answer. Whatever comes up is used to support others in finding and executing their solutions in alignment with purpose. This includes belief in developing autonomy and creating a safe space at the deepest level possible and connecting with the human being. This means holding off on judging or rejecting to be able to listen and connect. It involves a willingness to be influenced in the pursuit of mastery for self and others.
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