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How Do You Step Into The Power of Effortless Effort?

How Do You Step Into The Power of Effortless Effort? … one of the tools I use to get myself into a peak performance mode is to take a minute to breathe in a photo taken by my son Ryan; a photo that for me slows down time, gives me a rush of pleasure (a dopamine hit), and brings me into the RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW – athletes call it ‘Being in the Zone’. It’s my way of pushing away all distractions (because distractions are a KILLER) so that I can step into a challenge slightly ahead of my capability and get ‘uncomfortably comfortable’. 


THE IMPACT? (because impact is what leadership is all about) … most days I get my most important work done in 90 minutes or less!


… For a succinct overview of ‘Flow – Effortless Effort’ I invite you to watch Steve Kotler’s 7 min talk ‘How To Enter Flow State On Command’